Do you have a strategy to cope with mixed cadence content?

Production houses, newsrooms and sports facilities receive content from a wide variety of sources such as ISOs, cameras, tapes and feeds, where the content is later edited using non-linear editing systems for playout and distribution. The Dalet Brio platform now cuts down the time needed between ingesting content and making it available for video editors. With the recent enhancement to the Dalet Brio video server, instead of needing an ingest automation system or a MAM to bring content into a production storage from SDI or IP sources in order to edit on an NLE, the Dalet Brio video server can now connect directly to Adobe Premiere and Avid NLEs. With a wide variety of format support and applications to handle various types of ingest, the Dalet Brio video server can enhance video production workflows for news, sports, government and entertainment facilities.

Wide Variety of Tools

Dalet Brio is not just a video server; it’s a complete I/O platform for managing the conversion from stream to file and vice-versa, able to handle high density ingest and playout available for any user in the production workflow. For example, the Dalet MultiCam Manager enables sports facilities and production houses to control ingest from multiple ISO/cameras throughout a stadium or shooting location. As the HD content ingests, Brio can automatically generate proxies for preview in order to reduce bandwidth consumption and, at the same time, play out the high resolution content for confidence monitoring. On top of ingesting directly to a production storage, the Brio can ingest directly to S3 Cloud storage, meaning you can share content in a global production environment.

For organizations that have an old tape archive they wish to digitize, the Brio VTR recorder enables users to control VTRs for ingest as well as print content back to tape.  From a web interface, video editors, journalists and producers can access the Brio Multiviewer to see what is currently ingesting from any feed connected to the Brio. These are but a few tools Brio has to empower content producers at any stage of the media workflow.

Multi-Format Support

In production environments, there are a wide variety of formats that are ingested and processed for editing and distribution. With Dalet Brio, users have the freedom to choose the best codec, wrappers and formats to ingest for any given workflow, such as with ProRes, AVC-Intra, AVC-Ultra, DNxHD, XDCAM HD, and SR Master, to name a few. Among a wide variety of format support, as is the long standing approach of Dalet, when broadcasters adopt new formats, Dalet delivers thoroughly tested ingest, playout and third-party integration media workflows, enhancing its entire product line with new format support. The Dalet Brio is no exception to this methodology, as broadcasters who have recently adopted Sony XAVC formats can rely on the Brio to play back and ingest XAVC Intra Class 100, XAVC LongG 25 and XAVC Long G 35 content natively.

Open Communication

Instead of adopting proprietary standards for communication, Dalet developed the Brio video server on the Framework for Interoperable Media Services (FIMS) standards. This means that third-party integration has been made easy, as it means Brio speaks the same language as solutions like Adobe, meaning less money and hardships spent on developing and validating connectors for integration.

Enhancing the Video Editing Experience

With this open communication, any media organization can easily ingest and register content into an Adobe environment using the high density ingest capabilities of Brio. This integration supports the check-in of content in Adobe Anywhere using the Brio Backup Copier, which allows sharing of media content with any Adobe application such as Photoshop, After Effects and Adobe Audition. The Brio ingest plugin for Adobe Premiere enables video editors to select the portions they want to insert into their bin or timeline from a live feed, making editing faster than ever.

Utilizing the Brio Scheduler, Loop (FIFO) Recording and Multiviewer, customers get a rich set of capabilities to ingest and check in content into an Avid Interplay platform. With the ability to ingest content in native AVID DNxHD and wrapping formats in MXF, Avid editors can instantly access content without the need for long conform operations.

Evolve Your Own Workflows

Dalet Brio – which is essentially a software that allows for ingest and playout of Serial Digital Interface (SDI) and IP sources/targets – can be installed on commodity hardware controlling Matrox cards with up to 12 inputs/outputs. This open system means that customers can easily maintain and scale their own video servers without having to pay for expensive replacements of proprietary video server components.
Every workflow is different, and fixed stagnant systems are a thing of the past. As workflow evolves, customers have the ability to build their own tools on top of the Dalet system to trigger API functions of Dalet to conduct various operations. Dalet offers offline documentation for both FIMS Capture and the Brio Manager APIs to assist customers in this endeavor.

Unified Web Portal for Administration

Administrators managing several Brio units can now use the Brio Web Portal. All configuration of Brio services can be done remotely using this web interface, including ingest/playout port configuration, formats, communication with media movers, Avid Interplay and Adobe Anywhere configuration, FIMS support, as well as BVW and VDCP communication.

Platform Revival

The Dalet Brio platform helps customers take on new challenges facing the broadcast industry by leveraging a new generation of boards with re-configurable I/O’s, frame synchronizers on inputs and UHD support. With native 64-bit code, Brio can overcome any I/O challenge, while benefiting from all the capabilities of Windows Server 2012 R2 support.

Dalet Brio is an integral part of any media workflow, whether as a standalone product, integrated with third party platforms, or as part of the Dalet Galaxy enterprise-wide solution. Dalet Brio evolves with new demands of the industry, allows customers to develop new ways of working with API integration, and most importantly, offers a dependable platform to ingest, process and play out content for a global market.

Why not go further? Schedule your private demo today and download the new product datasheet.

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