Results for `Editing`

Remote Editing
Why newsroom production has to adapt NOW to the new normal

Fierce competition for viewers along with a rapidly changing multiplatform environment has put newsrooms under immense stress. In the space of just a few weeks, news broadcasters have had to discard a lifetime’s worth of practices and hard-earned experience as anchors and reporters are dispatched to their homes where they continue to broadcast, but not…

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Select the Right Tool for the Temporal Conversion Job

A significant and growing problem for post production houses and broadcasters is the ability to generate efficient, fast and accurate frame rate conversion. Given that broadcasters now source and distribute on a global basis and have to deal with content at many different frame rates, temporal conversion is an imperative. For example, temporal conversion will…

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Do You Really Want Me to Wear My Sequins in Vegas?

As we prepare for our annual pilgrimage to the Nevada desert in search of enlightenment, something troubles me this year. Over the years, NAB has grown to the point where there is an absolute clamor and a cacophony of noise as NAB opens and companies unveil their latest Carlos Fandango system solution, which they exhort will change…

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"NAB 2013 - I’m all for Progress, it’s Change I Object to"

Attributed to both Mark Twain and Will Rogers, it’s one of my favourite reflections on the media technology industry and particularly apt today, the second day of NAB. I’ve already had conversations over the last couple of days with engineers and technologists who are excited about the latest gadgets and gizmos that they are expecting…

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Remote Editing
Why newsroom production has to adapt NOW to the new normal

Fierce competition for viewers along with a rapidly changing multiplatform environment has put newsrooms under immense stress. In the space of just a few weeks, news broadcasters have had to discard a lifetime’s worth of practices and hard-earned experience as anchors and reporters are dispatched to their homes where they continue to broadcast, but not…

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Select the Right Tool for the Temporal Conversion Job

A significant and growing problem for post production houses and broadcasters is the ability to generate efficient, fast and accurate frame rate conversion. Given that broadcasters now source and distribute on a global basis and have to deal with content at many different frame rates, temporal conversion is an imperative. For example, temporal conversion will…

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Do You Really Want Me to Wear My Sequins in Vegas?

As we prepare for our annual pilgrimage to the Nevada desert in search of enlightenment, something troubles me this year. Over the years, NAB has grown to the point where there is an absolute clamor and a cacophony of noise as NAB opens and companies unveil their latest Carlos Fandango system solution, which they exhort will change…

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"NAB 2013 - I’m all for Progress, it’s Change I Object to"

Attributed to both Mark Twain and Will Rogers, it’s one of my favourite reflections on the media technology industry and particularly apt today, the second day of NAB. I’ve already had conversations over the last couple of days with engineers and technologists who are excited about the latest gadgets and gizmos that they are expecting…

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